Grab your copy!

“Abu Bakr al Rabeeah is brave, his family are brave, and Homes is a compelling, honest chronicle of one harrowing journey across collapsing nation-states. Winnie Yeung does a fine job bringing out the humanity in this — and by extension, every other — refugee tale.”

— Charles Foran, author of Mordecai: The Life and Times

by Abu Bakr al Rabeeah and Winnie Yeung

On today’s very special episode, Jill and Adam speak with Abu Bakr al Rabeeah and Winnie Yeung, co-creators of Homes: A Refugee Story. Abu Bakr is an ESL student of Winnie’s, who helped him tell his family’s story of leaving the Middle East to start a new life in Canada and how the challenges they overcame, all while maintaining a beautiful outlook on life. Hear how they put the book together using frequent interviews, Google Translate, and the stories of Abu Bakr’s family.

Photo by Samuel Sir

Photo by Gray Hive Photography

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