November 2022 OverDrive Big Library Read Sweepstakes OFFICIAL RULES


Eligibility: The November 2022 OverDrive Big Library Read Sweepstakes (the “Sweepstakes”) isopen to permanent legal residents of the fifty (50) states of the U.S. (excluding Guam, Puerto Ricoand all other U.S. and foreign territories and possessions), the District of Columbia (“D.C.”), Canada(excluding the Province of Quebec), and all other territories worldwide, who are eighteen (18) yearsof age or older as of the date of entry. If an entrant is a resident of a jurisdiction that deems him/her tobe a minor, he/she must obtain parental/legal guardian consent prior to entering or submitting anypersonally identifiable information. Employees of OverDrive, Inc. (“Sponsor”), their advertising orpromotion agencies, those involved in the production, development, implementation or handling of theSweepstakes, any agents acting for, or on behalf of the above entities, their respective parentcompanies, officers, directors, subsidiaries, franchisees, affiliates, licensees, service providers, prizesuppliers, any other person or entity associated with the Sweepstakes (collectively “SweepstakesEntities”) and/or members of their immediate families (spouses, children, siblings, parents) and/orpersons living in the same household as such persons, whether or not related, are ineligible to enterthe Sweepstakes.

Sweepstakes Description: This Sweepstakes starts at 12:00:01 a.m. EST on November 2, 2022 andends at 11:59:59 p.m. EST on November 16, 2022 (“Sweepstakes Period”). This Sweepstakesconsists of two (2) random drawings for a prize (“Sweepstakes Prize”).

How to Enter: To enter the Sweepstakes, prospective entrants must share how they are celebratingthe “Big Library Read” on social media (Twitter/Facebook/Instagram) using the hashtag“#BigLibraryRead” (“Sweepstakes Entry Information”). All required Sweepstakes Entry Informationmust be completed in full, be accurate and valid. After completing and submitting your SweepstakesEntry Information you will receive one entry into the Sweepstakes (“Sweepstakes Entry”).Sweepstakes Entries must be received by 11:59:59 p.m. EST on November 16, 2022. Limit one (1)Sweepstakes Entry per person. Sweepstakes Entries in excess of the stated limit will be disqualified.Any attempted form of entry other than as described herein is void. Proof of submitting a SweepstakesEntry will not be deemed by Sponsor as proof of receipt or entry into the Sweepstakes. Final eligibilityfor the awarding of the prize is subject to eligibility verification as set forth below.

Prize/Odds of Winning: The Sweepstakes Prize consists of a BLR Giveaway Bag. Two (2)Sweepstakes Prizes will be awarded. Each BLR Giveaway Bag contains a book themed fleeceblanket, a Samsung Galaxy Tab A7 Lite 8.7” 64 GB with Wi-Fi – Dark Gray, a Libby Mug, and a LibbyTote Bag. Total Approximate Retail Value (“ARV”) of the book themed fleece blanket is $59.00 USD.Total ARV of the Samsung Galaxy Tab A7 Lite 8.7” 64 GB with Wi-Fi – Dark Gray is $149.99 USD.Total ARV of the Libby Mug is $18.00 USD. Total ARV of the Libby Tote Bag is $20.00 USD. Odds ofwinning a prize depends on the total number of eligible Sweepstakes Entries received. SweepstakesEntries will not be retained for subsequent sweepstakes drawings. Limit one (1) Sweepstakes Prizeper person. Winners are solely responsible for all costs, incidentals, and any other expenses notspecifically mentioned as being included. No cash equivalent for a prize will be available. SweepstakesPrizes are not transferable. Sponsor will pay all shipping and handling fees for the Sweepstakes Prize.All federal, state, local, provincial or other taxes arising from participation in the Sweepstakes or awardof a prize including, without limitation, income taxes, applicable customs fees are the sole responsibilityof the winners. Sponsor is not the guarantor of any prize.

Drawing and Notification of Winner: The potential winners of the Sweepstakes will be randomlyselected by the Sponsor in Cleveland, OH from among all eligible Sweepstakes Entries received in adrawing held on or about the next business day after the end date of the Sweepstakes Period. If aCanadian resident is selected as a potential winner, he/she must correctly answer a time-basedmathematical skill-testing question administered during a phone call to be eligible for a prize. Potentialwinners (or, if a resident of a jurisdiction that deems him/her to be a minor, his/her parent or legalguardian) will be notified by direct message at the social media address provided on his/herSweepstakes Entry within approximately one (1) week of the date his/her name was randomlyselected. If a potential winner does not respond to notification of winning within five (5) days, if he/sheis found to be ineligible, he/she cannot or does not comply with these Official Rules, his/her prize orprize notification is returned as undeliverable, and/or if Canadian, he/she cannot correctly answer thetime-based mathematical skill-testing question such potential winner will be disqualified, and analternate potential winner may be selected (in Sponsor’s sole discretion) from all remaining eligibleSweepstakes Entries received. If a prize winner is a resident of a jurisdiction that deems him/her to bea minor, his/her prize will be awarded in the name of his/her parent/legal guardian.

General Conditions: This Sweepstakes is subject to these Official Rules and all federal, state,provincial and local laws and regulations (collectively “Rules and Laws”). By entering thisSweepstakes, entrants agree to waive any right to claim any ambiguity or error in the Official Rules,or the Sweepstakes itself, and agree to be bound by these Official Rules and by all decisions of theSponsor, whose decisions are binding and final in all respects. By accepting the prize, winner atteststo the authenticity of his/her winning Sweepstakes Entry. Unless provided otherwise by Sponsor’sprivacy policy, located at, and where permitted by law,participation and acceptance of the prize constitutes permission for Sponsor and Sweepstakes Entitiesto use such winner’s first name, last initial, address (city and state), photo, likeness, biographicalinformation, statement and voice for advertising/publicity purposes worldwide and in all forms of media,in perpetuity, without further notice to or compensation in connection with said Sweepstakes, andSponsor has the right to modify, edit, adapt, electronically alter, use, assign and/or dispose of suchSweepstakes Entries it sees fit and without any notice or compensation to entrant or any third parties.Any person attempting to defraud or tamper with the Sweepstakes will be subject to prosecution andis thereby ineligible. If, for any reason, the Sweepstakes is not capable of running as originally planned,Sponsor reserves the right to cancel, suspend or modify the Sweepstakes or any portion(s) thereof.In case of a dispute over the identity of an entrant who submitted a winning Sweepstakes Entry, theauthorized account holder of the email address associated with that Sweepstakes Entry will bedeemed the entrant. The “authorized account holder” is deemed the natural person who is assignedto an email address by an Internet access provider, service provider or other online organization thatis responsible for assigning email addresses for the domain associated with the submitted emailaddress. Said owner must comply with these Official Rules, be the person who completed the act ofentering, and, in Sponsor’s sole discretion, may be required to provide proof of ownership of the emailaccount.

Disclaimers: Sweepstakes Entries that are entered by other than human means or massSweepstakes Entries (such as by an automated computer program or any non-human mechanism,entity, or device), or Sweepstakes Entries that are illegible, late, destroyed, lost, misplaced, stolen,misdirected, tampered with, incomplete, deleted, damaged, or otherwise not in compliance with theseOfficial Rules will be disqualified. By entering the Sweepstakes, entrants agree and acknowledge tobe bound by all applicable local, state, provincial and federal Rules and Laws. Entrants waive anyrights to claim ambiguity with the Rules and Laws.

Sweepstakes Entities shall have no responsibilityor liability (including, but not limited to, liability for any property loss, damage, personal injury or death)in connection with: participation in this Sweepstakes (including, but not limited to, human error;incorrect or inaccurate transcription of Sweepstakes Entry Information; acceptance/possession,use/misuse, and/or defects of the prize awarded herein; any technical malfunctions of the telephonenetwork, computer online system, computer dating mechanism, computer equipment, software, orinternet service provider utilized by Sweepstakes; interruption or inability to access Sweepstakes, orany online service via the internet due to hardware or software compatibility problems; any damage toentrant’s (or any third person’s) computer and/or its contents related to or resulting from any part ofthis Sweepstakes; any lost/delayed data transmissions, omissions, interruptions, defects and/or anyother errors or malfunctions (including but not limited to, in the case of Canadian winners, disputesover answers to mathematical skill test questions), even if caused by the negligence of one of theSweepstakes Entities. By entering, entrants and prize winner further agree to release, discharge,indemnify and hold harmless the Sweepstakes Entities from and against any and all claims, damagesor liability due to any injuries, damages or losses to any person (including death) or property of anykind resulting or arising, in whole or in part, directly or indirectly, from acceptance, possession, use ormisuse of any prize or participation in the Sweepstakes or any Sweepstakes-related activity. Thefailure of Sponsor to comply with any provision of these Official Rules due to an act of God, hurricane,war, fire, riot, earthquake, terrorism, act of public enemies, actions of governmental authorities outsideof the control of Sponsor (excepting compliance with applicable codes and regulations) or other forcemajeure event will not be considered a breach of these Official Rules.

Disputes: This Sweepstakes is governed by the laws of the State of Ohio, United States of America,without regard to any conflict of laws principles. Any dispute regarding this Sweepstakes must bebrought in the state or federal courts residing in the State of Ohio, USA, and the local laws of Ohioapply to any such action without regard to any conflicts of laws principles.

Official Rules: The Official Rules will be available on OverDrive’s website and/or as part of theSweepstakes entry form during the entire Sweepstakes Period. The names of winners may also beposted on OverDrive’s website.

© 2022 OverDrive, Inc. Participants may copy these Official Rules for personal use only andnot for any commercial purpose whatsoever. All rights reserved.